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branding, design entrepreneurship

Puppet Mournster


Puppet Mournster is a puppet design studio form by 4 memebers: Rainie Khor, Wong Sui Theng, Neoh Bee Sim and Nga Li Ting. All puppets are created with their own funny story to explain their appearance.


A exhibition was being held. This exhibition featuring six designer puppets with dark humor characteristics to signify the lost of self-control when people live their lives like puppets dangling on fated strings and ponders on the question of whether it is fate that controls our lives, or the other way around.


 Mr. Baldy

Mr. Baldy looks the same as his name indicates. Bald.

He wants to be hairy so bad and he buys a lot of hair restorer.

Hairs grow. No one calls him Mr. Baldy but Mr. Hairy.

The power of hair restorer is just too great, turning Mr. Hairy into a hairy monster.

He is not willing to cut his hair because the hair is too precious to him.

He has an extremely long hair after a few years.

No one notices his existence.

Someone steps on his hair.

He falls down and dies.


Some illustration and sketches on character design

Animation of the full stories (in progress)

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